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*Above point totals DO include rollover points from prior trips, overbill dollars you've contributed and all Galleher Points you've earned from sales growth during the current Iceland Program.
Your CURRENT quarterly points above (from Feb. 1, 2023 thru Mar. 31, 2023) are here
for Galleher's NEXT Grand Adventure to ICELAND July 2023!
Reach a minimum of 6,000 points to "buy-in" for the NCL PRIMA 11 or 15 day ICELAND Cruise.
Add the 3 day Pre-Cruise Trip to London for 4,500 additional points.
London Trip Departure Date: July 12-16, 2023
Cruise Departure Date: July 16-27, 2023
For all trip information for the Cruise and the Pre-Trip to London to include dates, details, points needed based by cabin, etc. click here!
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